To apply to this course you need to fullfil the basic prerequisite for Yrkeshögskolan. You also need to prepare the following documents/tasks:


Proof of highest level of education. Upload a university or high school diploma.

Proof of practical experience. This can be employment contract, letter of recommendation or similar. To take part of this course you need two years of professional experience in an industry that can benefit from from the learnings given at this course.

Code test. In the application form there will be a short HTML/CSS quiz, just to make sure you have the right prerequisites.

Code challenge. Go to, or use a code editor you're comfortable in, and recreate this 👇 image as closely as possible. Zip your files and upload it in your application.

Skärmavbild 2023-07-13 kl. 16.46.28.png

<aside> ☝ Font is Helvetica, background color is blue and button color is tomato. The image we've used (is it's unavailable, use an image of your choice): ****


For questions regarding the course or application please contact us at [email protected].